Market Dojo

Market Dojo

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What is Market Dojo?

Market Dojo is a UK based software company offering Software as a Service built by procurement professionals.

Our solutions allow the streamlining of procurement to obtain real value and mitigate risk.

This is achieved through easy to use, yet capable eSourcing and supplier engagement applications available on-demand or with enterprise licencing.

Developed by procurement professionals, Market Dojo offers multiple web-hosted software solutions that aim to assist in multiple areas of the procurement process.

Our list of products include:

Market Dojo - Our On-Demand eSourcing Solution developed by procurement professionals has the capability to run questionnaires, RFQs, both forward and reverse online auctions for an unlimited variety of sourcing and asset disposal activities. Market Dojo also offers fully weighted capability, free Sandpit tool and public sector functionality.

Category Dojo - Our Category Spend Analysis Tool that helps procurement professionals find opportunities in their spend through discovering, comparing and prioritising procurement opportunities.

Innovation Dojo - Our Unique Innovation Portal that allows buyers to work collaboratively with their suppliers to find and develop the best ideas for their supply chain and establish stronger relationships with suppliers.

SIM Dojo - Our Supplier Onboarding Tool that manages your supplier onboarding process through centrally storing your supplier information, managing your critical supplier responsibilities and creating bespoke workflows for supplier approval. SIM Dojo is an easy-to-use solution that guarantees supplier compliance.

Contract Dojo - The latest product in the Market Dojo suite. Our contract management tool offers users a safe and secure central repository to store and save those all important supplier contracts.

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